Attribute Info

Attribute name Deskripsi Specification
la_name The LA that supplied the data Should use the exact name as it appears in the local authority sct register
objectid Unique ID Alphanumeric
toid External object identifier of the spatial object Identifier
startnode The HydroNode coincident with the first vertex for this WatercourseLink. Unknown
endnode The HydroNode coincident with the last vertex for this WatercourseLink. On very rare occasions the end HydroNode may be the same instance as the start HydroNode. Unknown
primacy Value indicating the relative importance of the WatercourseLink within any larger watercourse it is part of Integer
flow_direction Direction of water flow in the segment relative to digitisation of segment geometry Unknown
watercourse_length Calculated two dimensional length of network segment in metres Length
length_uom Unknown Unknown
watercourse_width The average width of the watercourse along the WatercourseLink expressed in metres. Distance
width_uom Unknown Unknown
watercourse_level A description of the relationship of the watercourse to ground level. Unknown
watercourse_gradient A calculated percentage value that indicates the rate of descent of the surface of the water. See Gradient for derivation. Real
catchment_name The name of the catchment area where the WatercourseLink falls, assigned by a responsible body Character String
catchment_id The code of the catchment area where the WatercourseLink falls, assigned by a responsible body. Character String
watercourse_name The name of the watercourse that the WatercourseLink is part of. Character String
watercourse_name_alt The name of the watercourse that the WatercourseLink is part of. Character String
local_name A name that applies to part of a watercourse that is a sub section of a larger named watercourse that the WatercourseLink is part of. Character String
local_name_alt An alternative name that applies to part of a watercourse that is a sub section of a larger named watercourse that the WatercourseLink is part of. Character String
watercourse_form The nature of the watercourse being represented by the feature. Unknown
level_of_detail A calculated value indicating the relative cartographic importance of a WatercourseLink to aid selection and depiction when styling the data. Unknown
provenance The origin of the centreline Geometry property. Unknown
permanence A logical indicator that describes if the watercourse contains water year round (in normal conditions) or only contains water intermittently Boolean
managed_navigation A logical indicator that describes whether the watercourse is managed for inland navigation by a member of The Association of Inland Navigation Authorities (AINA). Boolean
version_id The identifier of the particular version of the spatial object, with a maximum length of 25 characters Character String
fictitious Indicator that the centreline geometry of the link is a straight line with no intermediate control points Boolean
oneway Unknown Unknown
shape_length Calculated two dimensional length of network segment in metres Length
_predicate Unknown Unknown

Informasi Tambahan

Field Nilai
Updated 23 Januari 2024
Metadata Updated 22 Februari 2024
Metadata Created unknown
Format WFS
Lisensi UK Open Government Licence (OGL)
Dibuat 4 tahun yang lalu
alternative name clvtos
has views False
id e4661498-ab27-4e12-9a44-dfd383c900e7
package id dcfe1664-e672-474c-a58e-4ba4e52daf13
position 1
state active