Attribute Info

Attribute name Deskripsi Specification
prac_code GP practice code for practice identification. Five digit numeric
uprn Unique Property Reference Number for the building Integer
address The official address of the property Text string
postcode The official postcode for the property Text string
local_authority The LA/NP that supplied the data. Should use the exact name as it appears in the local authority sct register.
la_s_code 9-digit alpha/numeric unique ID, beginning with S (for Scotland), for the geographical area of each LA/NP. Alphanumeric Text String. Auto-generated by Spatial Hub using current list from:

Informasi Tambahan

Field Nilai
Updated 25 September 2020
Metadata Updated 7 Desember 2021
Metadata Created unknown
Format WFS
Lisensi UK Open Government Licence (OGL)
Dibuat 4 tahun yang lalu
alternative name gpprac
has views False
id 8389fd1d-563d-4c05-9833-26d9f07fd6cd
package id ab4f4a3c-f2a2-4c8d-af72-0f9180faf165
position 0
state active