Attribute Info

Attribute name Deskripsi Specification
operationa Current status (Operational or Proposed) Textural
permit_or SEPA permit number Alphnumerical
operator_o Operators organisational name Textural
site_name The name of the site Textural
easting Easting coordinate in British National Grid Numerical
northing Northing coordinate in British National Grid Numerical
local_auth Name of the local authority which the greenspace falls in. If the greenspace falls in two or more local authorities, then it takes the name of the local authority where the largest area falls Textural
waste_site Type of waste site (e.g. Incineration or Anaerobic Digestion) Textural
waste_capa The capacity of the waste site Numerical
waste_type The type of waste (e.g. Household, Commercial, Industrial or Other) Textural
field_11 Blank None

Informasi Tambahan

Field Nilai
Updated 11 Maret 2024
Metadata Updated 11 Maret 2024
Metadata Created unknown
Format WFS
Lisensi Other (Not Open)
Dibuat 4 tahun yang lalu
alternative name ghigs-efw
has views False
id 008f1de0-50c4-41fb-aa8d-4f54eaa34f52
package id 82cfa2de-0fdc-4e38-a619-2dd754007135
position 6
state active