Attribute Info
Attribute name | Deskripsi | Specification |
objectid | Object ID | Numerical |
uprn | The UPRN of the public building | Numerical (8, 9 or 12 digit number as defined by the LA) |
class | Unknown | Unknown |
parent_upr | The parent UPRN of the public building | Numerical (8, 9 or 12 digit number as defined by the LA) |
x_coordina | X coordinate in British National Grid | Numerical |
y_coordina | Y coordinate in British National Grid | Numerical |
sub_buildi | Sub-building name | Alphanumerical |
building_n | Building name | Alphanumerical |
building_1 | Building number | Numerical |
sao_start_ | Secondary Addressable Object number | Numerical |
sao_star_1 | Secondary Addressable Object start name | Alphanumerical |
sao_end_nu | Secondary Addressable Object end number | Alphanumerical |
sao_end_su | Secondary Addressable Object end name | Alphanumerical |
sao_text | Secondary Addressable Object text | Textural |
pao_start_ | Primary Addressable Object number | Alphanumerical |
pao_star_1 | Primary Addressable Object start name | Alphanumerical |
pao_end_nu | Primary Addressable Object end number | Alphanumerical |
pao_end_su | Primary Addressable Object end name | Alphanumerical |
pao_text | Primary Addressable Object text | Textural |
street_des | Street Description | Alphanumerical |
thoroughfa | Thoroughfare/street name | Textural |
town_name | Town Name | Textural |
administra | Administrative area | Textural |
postcode_l | Postcode | Alphanumerical |
multi_occ_ | Multi occupancy rate | Numerical |
datazone20 | Datazone | Alphanumerical |
intermedia | Intermediate geography | Alphanumerical |
localautho | Name of the local authority | Textural |
urbanrural | Urban/rural classification | Numerical |
urbanrur_1 | None | Numerical |
settlement | Name of the settlement | Textural |
count | None | Numerical |
calculated | None | Numerical |
featurecod | OS Mastermap feature code | Alphanumerical |
toid | OS toid number | Alphanumerical |
relh2 | None | Numerical |
relhmax | None | Numerical |
floor_prox | None | Numerical |
floorarea_ | The floor area of the public building | Numerical |
confidence | Confidence rating | Numerical |
tm46_heat_ | None | Numerical |
average_de | None | Numerical |
meterpoint | None | Numerical |
non_degree | None | Numerical |
heatdemand | The heat demand of the public building | Numerical |
heatdema_1 | None | Numerical |
calc_code | None | Numerical |
sourcetype | None | Textural |
datasource | None | Alphnumerical |
heatdema_2 | None | Numerical |
Informasi Tambahan
Field | Nilai |
Updated | 11 Maret 2024 |
Metadata Updated | 11 Maret 2024 |
Metadata Created | unknown |
Format | WFS |
Lisensi | Other (Not Open) |
Dibuat | 4 tahun yang lalu |
alternative name | ghigs-pb-nr-gs |
has views | False |
id | 4c106a06-35fd-46c4-a4ce-48467d066bc9 |
package id | 82cfa2de-0fdc-4e38-a619-2dd754007135 |
position | 11 |
state | active |