Attribute Info

Attribute name Deskripsi Specification
objectid Object ID Numerical
uprn The UPRN of the public building Numerical (8, 9 or 12 digit number as defined by the LA)
class Unknown Unknown
parent_upr The parent UPRN of the public building Numerical (8, 9 or 12 digit number as defined by the LA)
x_coordina X coordinate in British National Grid Numerical
y_coordina Y coordinate in British National Grid Numerical
sub_buildi Sub-building name Alphanumerical
building_n Building name Alphanumerical
building_1 Building number Numerical
sao_start_ Secondary Addressable Object number Numerical
sao_star_1 Secondary Addressable Object start name Alphanumerical
sao_end_nu Secondary Addressable Object end number Alphanumerical
sao_end_su Secondary Addressable Object end name Alphanumerical
sao_text Secondary Addressable Object text Textural
pao_start_ Primary Addressable Object number Alphanumerical
pao_star_1 Primary Addressable Object start name Alphanumerical
pao_end_nu Primary Addressable Object end number Alphanumerical
pao_end_su Primary Addressable Object end name Alphanumerical
pao_text Primary Addressable Object text Textural
street_des Street Description Alphanumerical
thoroughfa Thoroughfare/street name Textural
town_name Town Name Textural
administra Administrative area Textural
postcode_l Postcode Alphanumerical
multi_occ_ Multi occupancy rate Numerical
datazone20 Datazone Alphanumerical
intermedia Intermediate geography Alphanumerical
localautho Name of the local authority Textural
urbanrural Urban/rural classification Numerical
urbanrur_1 None Numerical
settlement Name of the settlement Textural
count None Numerical
calculated None Numerical
featurecod OS Mastermap feature code Alphanumerical
toid OS toid number Alphanumerical
relh2 None Numerical
relhmax None Numerical
floor_prox None Numerical
floorarea_ The floor area of the public building Numerical
confidence Confidence rating Numerical
tm46_heat_ None Numerical
average_de None Numerical
meterpoint None Numerical
non_degree None Numerical
heatdemand The heat demand of the public building Numerical
heatdema_1 None Numerical
calc_code None Numerical
sourcetype None Textural
datasource None Alphnumerical
heatdema_2 None Numerical

Informasi Tambahan

Field Nilai
Updated 11 Maret 2024
Metadata Updated 11 Maret 2024
Metadata Created unknown
Format WFS
Lisensi Other (Not Open)
Dibuat 4 tahun yang lalu
alternative name ghigs-pb-nr-gs
has views False
id 4c106a06-35fd-46c4-a4ce-48467d066bc9
package id 82cfa2de-0fdc-4e38-a619-2dd754007135
position 11
state active