Attribute Info

Attribute name Deskripsi Specification
data_custodian The organisation that provided the data Text string
object_id A unique ID for the feature Text string
event_id The unique ID of the event Text string
ev_name The name given to the event Text string
class The CLASS field is the top level thesaurus term. Ideally, the data should be sourced from a Monuments Thesaurus. Text string
type The TYPE field is the second tier thesaurus term. Text string
polytype Where multiple polygon classes are used together this field clarifies the polygon class consulted Text string
url Where the event record is available online, the link should be embedded Must be resolvable
x This field should contain a 6 or 7 figure grid reference based on the Ordnance Survey OSGB36 datum. Integer
y This field should contain a 6 or 7 figure grid reference based on the Ordnance Survey OSGB36 datum. Integer
source The source, map, chart, aerial image or document used to define a polygon Text string
accuracy This field gives the user information on how confident they can be in the accuracy of the polygon. The field is linked to the accuracy of the source data. Text string
c_scale The scale that the polygon was captured at in the GIS Text string
notes Free text notes.(Note: Limited to 254 in GIS download format.) Text string
buffer Buffer distance used for the feature Integer in Metres
council The local authority in which the feature is located Text string
comporg The organisation that compiled the data Text string
compdate The date the polygon is processed. This may also be the date the polygon was created but if this is not known, it is not essential. In format: yyyy-mm-dd
contact This field provides the user with guidance on who to contact for more information. The default value should be the local authority archaeological service. The default value should be the local authority archaeological service.
editdate Date on which the feature was last edited In format: yyyy-mm-dd
la_s_code 9-digit alpha/numeric unique ID, beginning with S (for Scotland), for the geographical area of each LA/NP. Alphanumeric Text String. Auto-generated by Spatial Hub using current list from:
sh_date_uploaded Date on which the data was provided to the Spatial Hub. Date. Auto-generated by Spatial Hub upon dataset registration. In format:yyyy-mm-dd
sh_src Unique reference assigned to the LA/NP upload file. Used for reporting any issues back to LA. Text String. Auto-generated by Spatial Hub upon dataset registration.
sh_src_id ID for each record per Spatial Hub upload. Used for reporting any issues back to LA/NP. Integer. Auto-generated by Spatial Hub upon dataset registration.

Informasi Tambahan

Field Nilai
Updated 23 Januari 2024
Metadata Updated 22 Februari 2024
Metadata Created unknown
Format WFS
Lisensi Other (Not Open)
Dibuat 4 tahun yang lalu
alternative name herev
has views False
id 77ff7ae8-6cf2-49eb-9b5f-72c85c160853
package id c192dd22-6804-4f17-8f7d-c4fe9d8b5a52
position 0
state active