Attribute Info

Attribute name Deskripsi Specification
year Year the application was validated yyyy
keyval The planning authority internal reference number Alphnumeric
reference The planning application reference number asigned by the planning authority Alphanumeric
alt_ref The alternative application reference number (generated by the Scottish Government eDevelopment portal) Alphanumeric
local_auth The name of the planning authority the application was processed by Text
plan_auth None None
url The url of the specific case (including links to the documents) on the planning authority website Alphanumeric
uprn The unique property reference number assigned to the address Numerical
address The 4-line address Alphanumeric
proposal The description of the planning application Text
date_recei The date the application was recieved by the planning authority Date (yyyy-mm-dd)
date_valid The date the application was validated by the planning authority Date (yyyy-mm-dd)
date_decis The date the application was decided by the planning authority Date (yyyy-mm-dd)
date_issue The date the application decision notice was issued by the planning authority Date (yyyy-mm-dd)
date_expir The date the application decision expires Date (yyyy-mm-dd)
dev_code The development type code of the application Textural
dev_desc The development type description of the application Textural
appl_code The application type code of the application Textural
appl_desc The application type description of the application Textural
decis_code The decision type code of the application Textural
decis_desc The decision type description of the application Textural
stat_code The status code of the application Textural
stat_desc The status description of the application Textural
date_adver The date the application was last advertised in the press Date (yyyy-mm-dd)
date_adexp The date the application advert expires Date (yyyy-mm-dd)
xcoord X - Coordinates Numerical
ycoord Y - Coordinates Numerical
sh_update The date the data was uploaded to the Spatial Hub yyyy-mm-dd

Informasi Tambahan

Field Nilai
Updated 26 Februari 2024
Metadata Updated 12 Maret 2024
Metadata Created unknown
Format WFS
Lisensi Other (Not Open)
Dibuat 2 tahun yang lalu
alternative name plnapppol_premium
has views False
id 31eff81d-c55a-4526-a588-b4a201a553f5
package id 7a91bb1d-7e5a-4d68-a527-af449c23104c
position 1
state active