Septic Tanks - Scotland
This dataset is an amalgamation of licenced SEPA, Scottish Water, Assessors and some Local Authorities Septic Tanks in Scotland.
Under section 79 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 and Under part 6, section 37 of the Water Resources (Scotland) Act 2013 SEPA, Scottish Water and Local Authorities all have a responsibility for the registration, management and compliance of Septic Tanks within Scotland. The Scottish Assessors also currently identifies 678 septic tanks. These are tanks that serve more than one dwelling. Those that serve just one dwelling may be treated as an appurtenance of the dwelling i.e. they are classified as domestic and treated as being reflected in the Council Tax band.
SEPA have approximately a quarter of the Septic Tanks mapped as it has only been a requirement since 2012 that when buying or selling a house that these get licenced. Scottish Water have partial information and the Scottish Assessors collect some as well. SEPA, Local Authorities, Scottish Water and Scottish Assessors are keen to combine data to create a complete and comprehensive view of all Septic Tanks in Scotland, although this work is not yet compete
Septic Tanks WFS
Updated: 2023-10-20
Data Provided by
Improvement Service
UK Open Government Licence (OGL)
Metadata Created
Metadata Updated
This dataset was amalgamated, optimised and published by the Spatial hub. For more information visit