School Catchments - Glasgow City
Scottish councils usually divide towns and country areas into catchments and children living in a catchment area will usually go to the same local school. Domestic properties typically have a catchment area for each of their local: - primary non-denominational (PN), - secondary non-denominational (SN), - primary denominational/ Catholic (PD) and - secondary denominational/ Catholic (SN) schools.
This dataset contains four separate layers (representing those above categories), which we deliver together as one single web service or zip folder.
"name" and "seed_code" are now MANDATORY fields for this dataset.
Gaelic primary school catchments
Taken from open data website
Updated: None
RC secondary school catchments
Taken from open data webiste
Updated: None
RC primary school catchments
Taken from open data website
Updated: None
ND secondary school catchments
Taken from open data website
Updated: None
ND primary school catchments
Taken from open data website
Updated: None
Roman Catholic Secondary School CatchmentsZIP
Extent of Roman Catholic Secondary School catchment boundaries.
Updated: 2019-10-17
Roman Catholic Primary School CatchmentsZIP
Extent of Roman Catholic Primary School catchment boundaries.
Updated: 2019-10-17
Non Denominational Secondary School CatchmentZIP
Extent of catchment areas for Non Denominational Secondary schools in Glasgow.
Updated: 2019-10-17
Non Denominational Primary School CatchmentsZIP
Extent of Non Denominational Primary School catchment boundaries.
Updated: 2019-10-17
Gaelic Primary School CatchmentZIP
Location of the school catchment area boundaries of Gaelic Primary Schools...
Updated: 2019-10-17
Roman Catholic Secondary CatchmentsZIP
Roman Catholic Secondary Catchments
Updated: 2017-02-08
Roman Catholic Primary CatchmentsZIP
Roman Catholic Primary Catchments
Updated: 2017-02-08
Non-denominational Secondary catchmentsZIP
Non-denominational secondary catchments
Updated: 2017-02-08
Non-denominational Primary catchmentsZIP
Non-denominational primary catchments
Updated: 2017-02-08
Gaelic Primary catchmentsZIP
Gaelic Primary school catchments
Updated: 2017-02-08
Data Provided by
Glasgow City Council
UK Open Government Licence (OGL)
Metadata Created
Metadata Updated
Business Benefit Value Added
To be updated annually where necessary in October.
Potentially Confidential
Typical Scale