Tree Preservation Orders - Perth and Kinross

Whilst TPOs are a legal requirement they may not always be digitised accurately. Users of this data should not assume this data is totally accurate and should consult the specific local authority for more detail before making any decisions

A legal title plan & associated description protecting a tree or trees within a defined area from development. The dataset is created under the provisions as listed within The Town and Country Planning (Tree Preservation Order and Trees in Conservation Areas) (Scotland) Regulations 2010. Spatial and attribute data is maintained in ArcMap shapefile with extra attributes in a spreadsheet (including link to TPO PDF). Planning technicians ensure that data is updated regularly once new information about a TPO is provided, a new TPO is registered or a TPO has been removed. The conservation officers or senior management advise and direct planning technicians to create a draft TPO location plan which is then sent to the paralegal team. The paralegals then carry out their duties in confirming and registering the TPO and informing any interested party. The planning technician then updates the spatial data in ArcMap which, once finalised, is then sent to GIS staff to update into Location Centre. The data will be of interest to staff within PKC who are interested in identifying or collecting TPO data for their own professional purposes e.g. Development Management (planning application, LDP , supplementary guidance) and Greenspace (maintenance and retention of natural assets). The dataset is available for general public use, stakeholders or any interested party outside the Council to identify TPOs.


Data Provided by

Perth and Kinross Council


UK Open Government Licence (OGL)

Metadata Created


Metadata Updated





To be updated annually in January

Potentially Confidential




Typical Scale
